Ostretunet's E-kull. 4 gutter + 2 jenter. Født 20. august 2009

(NUCH Xantos du Bâton Tiroir + Haimèe Black z Kovàrny)

Name Testicles Bite HD AA Other

Ego Trip





Put to sleep after a very tragic accident...

Evacuate Now





Lives in Sæbø

Earthquake Hazard





Lives with Collision Course

Emergency Exit





Export Sweden, kennel Divyx

Echo In The Night





Export, Switzerland

Enough Is Enough





Owned by us and fam. Ståløy

From the left: Evacuate Now and Earthquake Hazard

Emergency Exit

Earthquake Hazard

Emergency Exit

Evacuate Now

Enough Is Enough

Enough Is Enough

Enough Is Enough

Ego Trip

Echo In The Night

7 weeks + 3 days old - 11.10.2009:

Echo In The Night - pink girl

Ego Trip - blue boy

Evacuate Now - red boy

Enough Is Enough - purple girl

Emergency Exit - orange boy

Emergency Hazard - yellow boy

Emergency Exit - orange boy

Enough Is Enough - purple girl

Evacuate Now - red boy

Ego Trip - blue boy

Echo In The Night - pink girl

Emergency Hazard - yellow boy

7 weeks + 2 days old - 10.10.2009:

Ego Trip - blue boy

Emergency Exit - orange boy

Emergency Hazard - yellow boy

Evacuate Now - red boy

Enough Is Enough - purple girl

Echo In The Night - pink girl

Almost 7 weeks old - 06.10.2009:

Ego Trip - blue boy

Emergency Exit - orange boy

Emergency Hazard - yellow boy

Evacuate Now - red boy

Enough Is Enough - purple girl

Echo In The Night - pink girl

"wink-wink" from blue boy!

And this is orange boy - with a baby-blue ribbon for the occation. ;)

6 weeks old, didn't have time to get any of the girls... :(

Blue boy

Orange boy

Yellow boy

Red boy

4 weeks old + 1 day - 18.09.2009:

Blue boy

Orange boy

Yellow boy

Red boy

Purple girl

Pink girl

3 weeks:

Blue boy

Orange boy

Yellow boy

Red boy

Purple girl

Pink girl 


2.5 weeks old - 2.5 uker gamle, 07.09.2009:

Ego Trip - blue boy

Emergency Exit - orange boy

Evacuate Now - red boy

Emergency Hazard - yellow boy

Enough Is Enough - purple girl

Echo In The Night - pink girl

1 week old - 1 uke gamle, 27.08.2009:

Gutt 1 - boy 1

Gutt 2 - boy 2

Gutt 3 - boy 3

Gutt 4 - boy 4

Jente 1 - girl 1

Jente 2 - girl 2

Gutt 1 - boy 1

Gutt 2 - boy 2

Gutt 3 - boy 3

Gutt 4 - boy 4

Jente 1 - girl 1

Jente 2 - girl 2

Gutt 3 - boy 3

Nyfødte bebiser - newborn babies :)

Father: NUCH Xantos du Bâton Tiroir

Mother: Haimèe Black z Kovàrny

4 gutter og 2 jenter ble født i løpet av natten!
To av guttene har hvite merker i brystet, ellers er alle store, sorte og vakre! :)

Begge foreldrene er HD- og AA-fri. Haimee og Xantos er utrolig snille, stabile og sosiale hunder, med et vakkert utseende.

Kontakt oss om du er interessert i valp fra denne spennende kombinasjonen

4 boys and 2 girls were born during the night!
Two of the boys have a white marking in the chest, otherwise all of them are big, black and beautiful! :)

Both parents are HD- and AA-free.  Haimèe and Xantos are both very kind, social and stabile dogs, with a beautiful appearence.

You are welcome to contact us for more information regarding this combination.
Contact Jannike at
or phone:
+47 56 37 10 50 or +47 975 98 365

Parents Grand parents Great grand parents
NUCH Xantos du Bâton Tiroir

s.r. Ch. Scudo di Torre d'Arese

RE Ch. Gourou du Crepuscule des Loups
s.r. Orma di Torre D'Arese

Ch. pE, S.R Ivy Cleo du Bâton Tiroir

Ch., Elite A, S.R. W.’00 Boetsch de Bruine Buck

Elite A, S.R. Cleopatra Macy van Lana’s Hof

Haimèe Black z Kovàrny s.r. Ch. Rival de la Fureur du Crèpuscule Ch. R.E. If du Crèpuscule des Loups
Newty de la Fureur du Crèpuscule
T.s. Ch. Fara Yazoo du Chemin des Sorcières
Ch. T.s. Zsimba des Terres Bergeres
J.Ch. Yazoo du Chemin des Sorcières

Haimee's mor, Fara:


Haimee's bror, Harlem:

Haimee's bror, Hugo:   

Haimee's far, Rival de la Fureur du Crepuscule:

Xantos' oldefar, Gourou des Crepuscule des Loups

Xantos' mor, Ivy Cleo:

Xantos' far, Scudo:

Haimèe's oldefar, Zsimba: